Maestro Fresh Wes - Flagrant Freestyle (Official Music Video)
Ethan Ash ft. James Mullinger - The New Brunswick Song
Maestro Fresh Wes - Backpack Check (Official Music Video)
Tara MacLean - Happy Baby - [2019]
Austin Eatman - Purgatory Bent - Live at Peppers Pub - [2019]
Caboose - Showcase Video
Sonic Detour - ECMA Live Stream
Zack Ingles - Weathered Heart (Official Live Video)
Hammond River Collective - Bluff Creek (Official Music Video)
ZWERG - JaReDActYL (Official Music Video) Editor: Jason Betts
Leo LaFleur’s, The Errand - Orchestral Production (Official Trailer)
McKinley Morrison & Williams - Imperial Theatre Sessions - [2018]
James Lingley - Save You (Official Music Video)
The New Brunswick Song ft. The Saint John Youth Orchestra